Dissemination FertiPain Study
Endometriosföreningen vidarebefordrar en fråga om deltagande i en studie om IVF och smärta.
Du når studien via en QR-kod som finns Flyer FertiPain English.pptx.
We have created an online questionnaire (https://redcap.unisante.ch/surveys/?s=F4AJAH4LN8LHAJ4M) for patients who have undergone one or more IVF treatments. The questionnaire is anonymous and has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the Canton of Vaud (CER-VD). It is available in seven languages (French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Turkish), although unfortunately, it has not been translated into Swedish. The survey will remain open until we reach our goal of over 2,000 responses.
CHUV | Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois
Jonas Vibert
Médecin assistant
Gynécologie et obstétrique
Département Femme-Mère-Enfant,
Av. Pierre-Decker 2, CH-1011 Lausanne