Frågeformulär om vad vi hittar på internet om endometrios

Vill du hjälpa Kathleen King som sitter med i den Irländska endometriosföreningen och samtidigt bidra till endometriosforskningen. Det handlar om att fylla i ett formulär om vad vi hittar på internet om endometrios. Se nedan:

To what extent does the information found on the internet help with the diagnostic and treatment process of endometriosis.

I am a student at the University of Sheffield studying for an MSc in Health Informatics, I am the Chairperson of the Endometriosis Association of Ireland and work as a medical scientist.

As part fulfilment of my MSc, I must undertake original research in a relevant topic. I am looking at the views and experiences of those living with endometriosis (suspected and confirmed) and their internet use. The main area of focus is around the use of information found online and how it may impact on diagnosis and treatment decisions.

For this study, I invite online survey responses from those living with endometriosis symptoms. From this group, I will invite participants to further discuss their experiences in an interview. This will be a small number of participants.

With your support, I would like to recruit subjects through your organisation and your associated online forum/social media. I would be much obliged if you could share the details of this study with your members and followers online. I have attached the information sheet that will be distributed to potential participants (at the beginning of the online questionnaire) with more details on the study. The study will also share information about endometriosis support organisations worldwide.
Participant Information Sheet Online

For convenience, I have added a short post suitable to share on social media for your followers.

Thank you,

Kathleen King

You are invited to take part in research into information found on the internet about endometriosis. This is an online questionnaire that will take 20 minutes to complete. #research

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